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Registered & Guest User

HelpGent allows not only the Registered users but also the Guest users to submit the form.

After successfully creating the form and turning the status “on” by the admin, the forms will be visible in the front end as per the Forms configuration. There can be 2 ways the form will be visible in the front end as it is described in the Manage forms doc. Both functionalities of the bubble and the widget are the same.

# Registered User:  #

The registered users are the users who are already registered on the site.  HelpGent collects the Email and the Username from the WordPress Dashboard-> Users.

After successful submission, the Registered user can access the form via the dashboard, which is created using the shortcode [helpgent_user_dashboard] during the plugin installation. Registered users can also continue back-and-forth communication with the admin through voice, video, screen share, and text messaging from the dashboard. 

Note: For dashboard access and to enable communication through dashboard you must disable  “Anonymous Submission”. Anonymous Submission disables the user validation feature which is required for a conversation. For more info on “Anonymous Submission” refer to the doc here.

# Guest User:  #

A guest user is someone who hasn’t registered on the site yet. HelpGent allows guest users to send messages via all available methods which simplifies and streamlines communication and boosts audience engagement.

After successful submission, the guest user can access the form via the guest dashboard. A dashboard link with a token is sent to the guest user’s email (the email he used to validate the account). Clicking on it will redirect the guest user to the dashboard which is valid for 30 days. After 30 days, the guest user will have to regenerate the token access to continue the conversation via the dashboard. As soon as the token expires, a pop-up will appear prompting the user to request access again. 

The guest user will be notified via email when the form author responds, and by clicking the “Take Me to Dashboard” link to continue the conversation on the dashboard.