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Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

Comprehensive Guide: Assessing the Necessity of Block Editor Plugins for Your Website

The WordPress Block Editor, also known as Gutenberg, has revolutionized content creation. But with great power comes great…need for more power? Let’s enter block editor plugins. These tools extend the Block Editor’s functionality, but are they truly necessary for your website?

This guide will help you assess whether block editor plugins are a boon or bane for your specific website needs. So, without further ado, let’s dig deeper.

What is The Necessity of Block Editor Plugins like GutenKit for WordPress?

Since WordPress version 5.0, Gutenberg is the default editor. So, while Gutenberg itself is a block editor, GutenKit surely offers additional functionalities on top of it.

Let’s see what features and functionalities you can get using a block plugin like GutenKit –

Strengthen Gutenberg’s functionalities: A good block editor plugin like GutenKit offers extended benefits. This could include anything from specialized layout blocks to content blocks specific to your niche. 

Refined customization: If you use an extra Gutenberg solution, you will enjoy more control over the look and feel of your blocks. It might be through additional settings or styling options within the block editor.

Boosted workflow: With a handy plugin like GutenKit, you can improve the content creation process in the block editor. The pre-built blocks, modules, and other features help you finish your tasks faster. 

Introduction to GutenKit

Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

GutenKit page builder blocks is a plugin that adds functionalities on top of Gutenberg. It essentially extends what you can do with Gutenberg by providing additional features.

A host of exclusive features of Gutenkit

To see if GutenKit really lives up to its claims, we put it through its paces. Let’s check out the findings…

i. 50+ Advanced

There are plenty of useful page builder blocks of GutenKit. Those are draggable, beautiful, and functional elements to craft a WordPress website swiftly. 

Free blocksFreemium blocksPro blocks
Advanced ImageAdvanced ParagraphBack to TopBlog PostsBusiness HoursButtonContainerCountdown TimerDonut Progress BarDrop CapDual ButtonFAQFun FactHeader InfoHeadingIconIcon BoxImage AccordionImage BoxImage ComparisonOffcanvasPage ListPost GridPost TabPricing TableProgress BarSocial IconsSocial ShareTeamTestimonialVideoAdvanced AccordionAdvanced TabNav Menu/ Mega MenuGoogle MapFancy Animated TextStylish ListCreative ButtonBreadcrumbTimelinePrice MenuImage Hover EffectRatingFlip BoxClient LogoWhatsAppQuery Loop BuilderLottieUnfoldChartTableTeam Carousel

Some of the blocks and their functions are –

Advanced Accordion: With this block, you can create sections that open and close like a folder.

Image: It lets you add pictures and present them uniquely to your post or page.

Advanced Masonry: Makes a cool grid layout for your images.

Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

Price Menu: Shows different prices for your products or services clearly.

Breadcrumb: Helps visitors see where they are on your website.

Timeline: Shows things happening in order over time.

Query Builder: It helps to design layouts and show dynamic content from your website visually.

Progress Bar: This shows how far along something is, like a filling-up bar.

Fancy Animated Text: Makes your text move in cool ways.

Google Map: The block lets you show a map on your website.

All these features are created to complement Gutenberg. Both beginners and experienced developers will find these blocks easy to use. 

However, more blocks are underway, according to the GutenKit roadmap.

ii. 16+ Exclusive Modules

Currently, we have found more than 16 free and pro modules. The road map says many more are under construction.

Free modulesFreemium modulePro modules
VisibilityLayoutPositionBackgroundBorderMouse trackMouse TiltEntrance animationIcon Pack
Page SettingsGlass MorphismCSS TransformSticky ContentOne Page ScrollDynamic ContentAdvanced TooltipParallax Effect

Some of the amazing active modules are –

Advanced Tooltip: This module shows short messages when you hover over stuff.

Dynamic Content: Shows different customized content to visitors.

Glass Morphism: It makes your website look glassy and fancy with a blurred background.

Icon Pack: Add icons to your website however you want.

Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

Motion Effects: Add beautiful motion effects to your website.

One Page Scroll: Lets visitors see your whole website with one long scroll.

Parallax: This makes background images move slower than foreground content as you scroll.

Sticky Content: Keeps parts of your website visible as you scroll down.

Transform: With this module, you can change how things look on your website, like size, shape, or rotation.

All these modules are exceptionally built. To extend the block editor’s efficiency, GutenKit will facilitate more modules in near future. 

iii. 500+ Patterns & Templates

Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

GutenKit has developed 500+ patterns and templates for its users. All these are professional-grade building blocks for website design. These features can help you to ensure the easiest workflow for Gutenberg and take your site creation to the next level.

iv. UI/UX

Like any other well-designed WordPress plugin, the UI of the GutenKit plugin is quite impressive. It’s simple and the logo is eye-catching. Moreover, the blocks, modules, settings, etc. are all professionally designed for a good user experience.

v. Ease of use

Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

As the design is simple, we found the blocks and modules are not complex to use. You can drag or click on any block and it will appear in your editor quickly. 

To customize a block, you will get three sections, named Content, Style, and Advanced. These sections are loaded with the necessary customization options.

Additionally, from the Advanced section, you can find all the modules. And in the Settings section, there are more features.

vi. Full site editing

GutenKit is WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) compatible. It matches with all WordPress themes and plugins. It helps you to design different layouts and create your templates and patterns.

vii. Performance and speed

Well, we don’t believe in testing the performance of a plugin. A plugin with tons of features can slow your site with complex code or frequent database calls. Even simple plugins can cause sluggishness if they fight with other plugins on your site.

However, if you run GutenKit through traditional testing you may get these results 👇

➡️ The average memory usage of GutenKit is 335.78 KB, which is higher than usual. The developers should work on optimizing it.

➡️ The average page loading time is 0.2s — approx. 72% faster than other plugins. 

viii. Support and trustability

The team of GutenKit provides quick and effective support. You can also find guidelines and necessary information in the form of documentation, blog posts, and videos.

But what about trustability? 

Well, GutenKit has been developed by Wpmet, the makers of ElementsKit which has 1 million+ users worldwide. They also have other WordPress plugins to their name, such as GetGenie AI, MetForm, ShopEngine, etc.

How Does The Block Editor Plugin Differ From the Classic Editor Plugin

1. Block Editor (Gutenberg)

The Block Editor, introduced as part of WordPress 5.0, is a modern, visual editor that uses a block-based approach. Each piece of content, such as paragraphs, images, headings, and more, is a separate block. This modular system offers flexibility and control over the layout and design of the page. Users can easily move, customize, and style these blocks independently, making it possible to create complex layouts without needing to know any code. Additionally, you can create reusable blocks that can be used across multiple posts or pages, ensuring consistency and saving time.

The user interface of the Block Editor is modern and streamlined, focusing on a visual editing experience. Changes are reflected in real-time, giving users an accurate preview of how their content will look once published. The editor comes with a variety of built-in blocks, such as text, image, gallery, video, and more. Developers can also create custom blocks, and many plugins extend the Block Editor by adding new blocks, enhancing its versatility.

2. Classic Editor

The Classic Editor, on the other hand, offers a traditional approach to content creation. It uses a single text box for content, which supports HTML and shortcodes for adding media and formatting. This editor resembles older versions of content editors and is less visually oriented compared to the Block Editor. Users familiar with word processors or the pre-WordPress 5.0 editor will find the Classic Editor more familiar.

The user interface of the Classic Editor is more straightforward. It includes a basic toolbar with formatting options, making it easier for those who prefer a minimalist approach. Custom meta boxes can be added below the main content area, providing additional fields and settings related to the post or page.

The Classic Editor is compatible with older plugins and themes designed specifically for it. It relies heavily on shortcodes for adding functionality and embedding content, which might be less intuitive than the block system of the Block Editor.

How to Choose The Right Block Editor Plugin for Your Website?

Before choosing any plugin, you must know the facts that can help you pick the right block editor. Let’s note –

  • Define your needs and goals: Knowing your preferences will be helpful. Like – Do you need special blocks or features? Would advanced customization options be helpful for you? etc.
  • Prioritize features vs. bloat: Unnecessary features and extras slow down the website. The good idea is to make a list of the features you need and then pick a plugin accordingly.
  • Consider compatibility and reputation: The good block editor plugin should be compatible with your WordPress version and theme. You can check user reviews and ratings on the WordPress plugin repository.
  • Explore free vs. premium options: Many free block editor plugins offer a good range of features. But remember premium plugins might provide advanced functionalities. So, check the prices against the benefits.
  • Look for active development: Choose a plugin that the developer maintains and updates. This ensures compatibility with future WordPress versions and bug fixes.

How to Install and Activate a Block Editor Plugin on WordPress

First things first 👉 Download the GutenKit free plugin.

Or, if you search the plugin from your dashboard, you can find it easily 👇

Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

Setting license of GutenKit

After installing GutenKit, you must activate the plugin. You are all set to use the GutenKit free plugin.

Now, to enjoy the premium features mentioned above, choose your GutenKit pro plan and collect your license.

The process is simple.

Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

Done activating the license?

Open any page or post and get access to all the advanced GutenKit features. ✌️

Necessity of Block Editor Plugins

Final Thoughts

GutenKit Block Plugin is a handy tool for WordPress users. Being a new plugin, GutenKit has already launched quite a wide range of features. Using them, you can empower the functionalities of the Gutenberg block editor, be more creative, and streamline your workflow.

As GutenKit grows and evolves alongside Gutenberg, we believe it will bring more relevant and versatile features and become a reliable page builder for WordPress block editor enthusiasts!

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