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why use WordPress

Why Should You Use WordPress? A Deep Dive Into 10+ Solid Reasons

As a novice online business owner, you might be wondering about what to do while creating a website for your venture. If you did some research, you probably came across the giant name WordPress since it’s the leading CMS in the industry.

You also might be hearing the names like Joomla, Shopify, Magento, Wix, and Weebly, but eventually, you’re likely to choose WordPress. Now, the question can arise, why use WordPress? Why do I even consider it as the leading one?

Well, if you are still stuck around these questions, you’ve exactly come to the right place. In this article, I’m reasoning why should you use WordPress to create your desired website.

Before I get into the reasons why WordPress is so great, I want to clear up some basics about the platform.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the industry so far. According to the most recent statistics happened by W3Techs, WordPress powers 39% of all the websites on the Internet. That means over one-third of the websites in the world have been created using WordPress.

The percentage alone is enough to define the popularity and the accessibility of the platform. WordPress started its journey as a simple blogging tool, over the years, it has evolved and turned into a powerful website builder with a form of a robust content management system (CMS).

Now, come to the core discussion about why should you choose WordPress instead of others. Let’s take a peek into the details.

Why Use WordPress for Your Business?

Though there are a bunch of wonderful tools for website building, WordPress excels all its competitors. Here is the list you should consider before choosing a CMS out of the crowd.

These are the deciding factors using WordPress that can make a huge difference from others. Now, let’s jump into the details.

1. Free & Open Source

Why use WordPress: Free & Open Source.

Everyone loves to have free stuff if that can add value to their lives. Being an open-source platform, WordPress provides tons of free resources for its users. That’s the greatest advantage of using WordPress.

Both WordPress.Com and WordPress.Org are completely free to use through they have the scope to invest with them. WordPress.Org is a self-hosted platform that demands a minimal cost. On the other hand, WordPress.Com is pretty flexible for beginners and small website owners.

If you want to use WordPress.Org, you just need to spend a minimal cost for domain and fast WordPress hosting. Spending around namely $50 per year could be enough for maintaining your website.

2. Scalability

Why use WordPress: Scalability.

WordPress is by far the most scalable platform for creating and managing your online presence. It’s super easy to create tons of websites You’ll get tons of resources out there to scale up your website using WordPress. Apart from web host providers, CMS could play a vital role to scale up.

It’s a great challenge to make your website perfectly fit for putting tons of content altogether. The leading CMS WordPress is the best fit for any kind of website to make it happen for tons of content consumption. Though you need some sort of maintenance, eventually this would be worth spending.

3. Customizability

Why use WordPress: Customizability.

One of the most leading causes of using WordPress is its customizability. It’s super friendly to customize your website as you wish. Most of the users are non-techies who don’t have any prior knowledge of designing or developing a website.

Since WordPress offers tons of templates/themes to build websites from scratch without even knowing any coding knowledge. You can customize your website in two ways. One is through using WordPress themes and another is WordPress plugins that can provide you lots of advanced ways to customize your websites.

4. Reliability

Why use WordPress: Reliability.

Sometimes the quantity of usage can be treated as the key point to measure the reliability of any platform. That means looking at how many people are using a particular platform could be considered the best way to determine the respective platform’s reliability.

Based on this parameter, according to the recent study happened by WPTavern that says around 40.8% of total educational websites are developed by WordPress. This is a huge number that proves the popularity and the acceptance of WordPress.

Moreover, WordPress shares 64.1% of the entire CMS market. In other words 4% growth from 2020. Though primarily WordPress was considered for blogging, it’s not only for blogging, rather almost 28% of total e-commerce goes through WooCommerce. All the statistics of WordPress prove the reliability of this platform.

5. Wonderful Support

Why use WordPress: Wonderful Support.

Since WordPress is the most popular and used CMS throughout the world, there are tons of tutorials, guides, and resources that you can find online. Moreover, you can take advantage of different WordPress forums where you can interact with like-minded people about WordPress.

On top of everything, you also can get direct support from the official WordPress support team. If you’re a paid user, you can get the 24 hours support facility, basically Monday to Friday. For those who purchased business or eCommerce plans, they can even reach live chat support on the weekend as well.

6. Easy Learning Curve

Why use WordPress: Easy Learning Curve.

One of the most crucial aspects of using any tool is how easy it to use in general. In that sense, WordPress is super ahead since it’s easy to learn and use. Being a popular platform, WordPress has tons of resources that will help you to learn it very easily.

Even for a novice user, it’s super handy to operate the platform from the scratch. Just get into it, select a theme, install a plugin, and start creating pages you like. That’s it!

7. Easy to Manage

Why use WordPress: Easy to Manage.

Managing WordPress is easy for any type of user. Suppose, if you want to create and manage a directory listing website, you shouldn’t worry since WordPress is there for you. Using quality directory themes and solid WordPress directory plugins allows you to maintain your directory website effortlessly.

8. Massive Community

Why use WordPress: Massive Community.

Community is power in 2021. If you have a strong community based it’s something amazing indeed. Being an open-source platform, there is no limit in terms of the WordPress community. The more you have the popularity the bigger your community.

WordPress has a massive amount of community base that can help you along the way. You can leverage this massive community-based in so many different ways. If we see WordCamp, we can find something amazing happens around the world. Moreover, there are local meet-ups and other programs that have been helping to boost up the community around the world.

9. Tons of Themes & Plugins

Why use WordPress: Tons of Themes & Plugins.

One of the core reasons for using WordPress is its abundance of plugins and themes. The theme is easy to use and some paid themes provide more customization facilities to the users. If you’re in need of adding more features to the existing ones, plugins could play a greater role in this regard.

There are over 50,000 free plugins in WordPress.Org and you’ll have tons of premium plugins as well that don’t have any free plan as well. All the plugins are subjected to add a specific feature to the respective plugin.

10. SEO Friendly

Why use WordPress: SEO Friendly.

SEO is the demand of time and most importantly, WordPress is SEO-friendly. If your content isn’t SEO-friendly, it will not appear in the SERP. Eventually, this will not effective for any kind of website. Hence, SEO is the most crucial for having maximum exposure for your business.

By default, WordPress is SEO-friendly, you can create any kind of SEO-friendly content without using any SEO plugins. Additionally, if you still want to use an SEO plugin, you can have this available as well.

11. Security

Why use WordPress: Security.

WordPress ecosystem is developed with enriched security in mind. It has been considered a secured place to run a website. However, there is always uncertainty out there over the internet. So you need to learn about some necessary security guidelines to fix the issue permanently.

There are some hackers who’re always ready to hack your website and that’s why you should adopt some security technics to fix up the potential issue. In this case, WordPress also offers some quality security plugins to use on your website.

12. Supports Various Media Types

Why use WordPress: Supports Various Media Types.

WordPress is not for text only, now it’s a giant platform. With the release of Gutenberg, it’s become even better. Now, WordPress supports image, document, audio, and video file in its ecosystem.

Personally, I didn’t face any problem uploading common files like .jpg, .png, .gif .pdf, .doc, .pptx, .mp3, .m4a, .mp4, .mov, .wmv, and .avi. Moreover, you won’t face any problems with more complex file types like .odt, .key, .ogg, and .3gp.

13. Multilingual

Why use WordPress: Multilingual.

A WordPress-based site can be translated into multiple languages by using a quality plugin. But if you want to make it on your own, it could be time-consuming through coding. WordPress helps you along the way to translate your website effortlessly into multiple languages.

There are a number of quality multi-lingual plugins in WordPress that can help you to translate your entire website into your preferred languages. For instance Loco Translator, Polylang, Weglot Translate to name a few of them.

14. Handy Integrations

Why use WordPress: Handy Integrations.

The integration process helps to scale up your website. WordPress is compatible with different third-party tools. You can integrate various third-party services like payment gateway, email marketing, Google Analytics, and so on to make your ecosystem more scalable.

Since CMS platforms are popular these days, third-party tools are made with WordPress in mind so that they can be integrated with each other. That’s why you can have a massive scope to integrate your website with third-party services using WordPress.

Final Touch

Living in 2021, it’s clear that WordPress is no more a blogging platform, it’s the most popular CMS on the planet. Even if you’re a novice user who doesn’t have any further experience, or you’re a developer, WordPress can play a great role for both of them.

We hope this article fixes your confusion about why you should use WordPress. The best way to witness the power of WordPress is simply by using it. I suggest you, give it a try and let me know your experiences using it.

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Sazzadul Bari

Sazzadul Bari, an introverted corporate junkie who takes care of marketing at wpWax. He is a passionate marketing geek who loves to craft compelling brand narratives and spearheading innovative marketing campaigns. His profound understanding of consumer behavior, combined with a keen eye for emerging trends, enables him to orchestrate impactful marketing initiatives that drive tangible results and propel organizations to new heights. When he's not drooling over digital marketing, you'll find him enjoying sports, traveling his favorite spots or going through his favorite books.

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