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Run a Successful Email Campaign in WordPress

5 Ethical Hacks to Run a Successful Email Campaign in WordPress

Struggling to turn emails into leads? You’re not alone. But what if you could boost engagement and conversions with a few simple tweaks? These five powerful WordPress email marketing hacks will help you connect with your audience and get real results – faster than you can say “Spam.”

Email marketing remains a powerhouse, offering exceptional return on investment (ROI) and cost-effectiveness. It lets you create personalized experiences that resonate with your audience, fostering user engagement and brand loyalty.

We need email marketing hacks for – 

  • Convert visitors into subscribers
  • Re-engage existing customers
  • Nurture your leads
  • Increase your brand awareness

By the time you’re done reading this post, around 2 billion emails have already been exchanged. This article will guide you on 5 ethical hacks to run a successful email campaign in WordPress.

So, without further ado, let’s dig deeper. 

Few Words on Email Marketing Campaign

In today’s digital landscape, email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers and drive sales. It goes beyond simply sending emails; it’s about building relationships and fostering brand loyalty in a permission-based environment.

Despite the rise of social media platforms and messaging apps, email continues to be a significant communication channel. According to a survey by Campaign Monitor in 2023, 90% of adults and 74% of teenagers still use email frequently, making it an ideal platform for businesses to target a vast audience.

Email marketing is a highly effective tool businesses of all sizes can use to reach a large audience. It offers a great return on investment compared to traditional marketing methods like print advertising or television commercials. Services like Mailchimp or Constant Contact provide affordable plans that allow you to design, manage, and track your email campaigns.

One of the benefits of using the best emailing services is its ability to offer targeted communication. Unlike social media posts, which compete for attention in a crowded newsfeed, emails land directly in a subscriber’s inbox. This method allows messaging tailored to customers’ demographics, interests, and purchase history. For example, you can send special offers for running shoes to subscribers who have previously purchased athletic wear from your store.

Another benefit of email marketing is that it provides measurable results. Unlike billboards or flyers, email marketing allows you to track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This data provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns, enabling you to refine your strategy for better results over time.

Email marketing is also highly scalable. An email list can grow steadily, allowing you to reach a wider audience without significantly increasing costs.

Emails are a versatile and customizable way to engage with your subscribers. You can add images, videos, interactive elements, and text to make them more engaging. You can increase engagement rates by using personalization techniques such as including the subscriber’s name in the subject line or tailoring the content according to their previous purchases.

As technology advances, email marketing is constantly evolving. Personalization is becoming increasingly important, and AI-powered tools will enable even more dynamic content to be created for individual subscribers.

Email automation is becoming more sophisticated, allowing businesses to trigger personalized email sequences based on subscriber behavior. By embracing permission-based email marketing and implementing these strategies, businesses of all sizes can cultivate strong customer relationships, drive sales, and remain ahead of the curve in the ever-changing digital marketing landscape.

Insights of Email Marketing Campaign

Insights of Email Marketing Campaign

Email is a widely used communication tool, with over 4.3 billion people using it daily. This number is expected to grow and reach an estimated 4.48 billion by 2024. However, the click-to-open rate for marketing emails globally remains around 14%. The frequency of email-sending habits has mostly stayed the same, with roughly a third (33%) of marketers still sending emails once a week and another quarter (26%) sending them multiple times a month. In line with the rise of mobile device usage, a 2023 survey indicated that nearly half (46%) of people who use mobile devices prefer email for business communication.

Why is WordPress a Great Platform for Email Campaigns?

Why is WordPress a Great Platform for Email Campaign?

If you want to gather feedback and insights on your products or services, sending out an email survey is one of the best ways. It can help you fine-tune your marketing strategies and ultimately drive more sales.

You may wonder why you should use WordPress plugins for email marketing instead of traditional tools and which plugins would be best.

The answer is simple: WordPress’s built-in features and plugins make email marketing a breeze. They are highly customizable and offer a range of valuable features that can enhance your email marketing campaigns and create an email for a business at no Cost. So, what are the main benefits of using WordPress plugins for email marketing?

I. Easy to start

WordPress plugins are designed to be simple and user-friendly. To install an email marketing plugin of your choice, access the plugin library on your WordPress dashboard, search for the desired plugin, and install it with a few clicks.

Once the plugin is installed, you can customize it according to your preferences. Most email marketing plugins come with pre-built email templates and themes, saving you the hassle of starting from scratch. You can also personalize your plugin by adding your business logo, color scheme, and fonts to ensure a consistent look and feel for your website.

II. Save money

Leveraging a WordPress plugin for email marketing can be a budget-friendly approach. WordPress plugins offer a more cost-effective solution than standalone email marketing platforms that often charge monthly or yearly fees based on your contact list size or email-sending volume.

Many free plugins provide the core functionalities you need to build your email list, design campaigns, and track results. This eliminates the burden of extra fees for exceeding contact or email limits.

While some premium plugin versions offer advanced features like advanced automation, A/B testing, or detailed analytics for a fee, these costs are typically significantly lower compared to dedicated email marketing platforms.

This allows you to gradually scale your email marketing efforts, paying only for the functionalities you need as your subscriber base grows. Additionally, with a WordPress plugin, you retain complete ownership of your email list and data, unlike some external platforms that may restrict data access upon cancellation. This provides greater control and flexibility for your marketing strategy.

III. Own your data

Using an external email marketing platform means that your email list and data are stored on their servers. As a result, you won’t have complete control over your data, and if you decide to stop using the platform, you may risk losing all your data.

However, if you opt for a WordPress plugin for email marketing, you retain complete control over your data. Your email list and data are saved on your website so you can be assured of its safety. Since you are the owner of your data, using the plugin poses no threats to the security of your information.

IV. Auto integration

Email marketing plugins for WordPress are a great way to automate your email marketing efforts. One of their most significant advantages is their ability to integrate seamlessly with other popular plugins you might have installed on your website. These plugins usually come with pre-built integrations that automatically connect with the other plugins.

For instance, if you have an online store built with WooCommerce, an email marketing plugin can collect customer information, purchase history, and other data to help you create targeted email campaigns. This integration saves you time and effort and ensures your email campaigns are more effective.

V. WordPress dashboard

If you have a WordPress website, you can access the admin panel, which is known as the WordPress dashboard. It allows you to manage and control all aspects of your site, including content, adjustments, and functionality.

One of the benefits of using an email marketing plugin for WordPress is that it’s integrated into your dashboard. This lets you run email marketing campaigns, track their performance, and view data from the platform you use to manage your website.

5 Ethical Hacks to Run a Successful Email Campaign in WordPress 

5 Quick Steps to Follow To Run a Successful Email Campaign in WordPress 

There are a thousand ways to fail in an Email campaign, but the only way to succeed is to follow these five easy steps to run a successful Email campaign in WordPress.

Step 1: Collecting leads

Before starting your first email campaign, you must create at least one mailing list of your target audience profile. Here are some tips that will help you start your first email list. Use these ideas as part of your marketing campaign.

I. Call to action (CTA) button

A call to action (CTA) button is an image on a website that tells the user to do something specific, like sign up for a newsletter or buy something. With an email marketing plugin for WordPress, it’s easy to add a CTA button to your site to collect email addresses and build your email list. A call-to-action (CTA) button on your site can get people interested and get them to act.

II. Information forms

Set up a form that works with the Plugin and put it on your WordPress site’s pages so visitors can submit the information you need, including their email addresses. It’s a great and simple way to determine how many people would like to get your emails.

III. Use social networks 

Setting up polls and surveys to get user feedback and ideas is a good way to use social media for email marketing. To collect survey data, you can now use conversational form plugins to increase survey response rates. Moreover, by offering a reward or incentive for taking the poll or survey, you can get people to give you their email addresses, which you can add to your list of people who want to hear from you. You can use social media to promote your email list and encourage users to sign up.

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IV. Ask people

Directly asking people for their email addresses is an easy and effective way to get email addresses. You can ask them on your website, through social networks, or in person at events. If you have a good connection with your audience, they may be more likely to give you their email addresses.

When you ask people for their email addresses, you should be clear about why you want them and what they can expect to get from you. For example, let people know if you have amazing content or discounts. You should also ensure that subscribers’ data is kept safe and not shared with third parties.

V. Request comments

Users like being asked how products or services meet their expectations. Customers feel valued when requested. To encourage engagement, you can embed a Google Reviews WordPress plugin with a “Call To Action” button. You can also invite the audience to email their opinion to get their email addresses and feedback on improving your services.

VI. Organize a webinar

Webinars are a dynamic and engaging way to attract new visitors to your website and capture valuable contact details. Imagine a live, online seminar or presentation where you can connect with a targeted audience in real time.

By strategically promoting your webinar on your website, social media platforms, and relevant online communities, you can reach a pool of individuals actively interested in the topic you’ll be discussing.

This isn’t just a one-way broadcast; webinars allow you to foster a sense of connection and trust with your audience. During the presentation, you can share valuable industry insights, practical tips, and thought-provoking ideas that demonstrate your expertise and establish you as a credible source of information.

This helpful content positions you as a leader in your field and incentivizes viewers to stay connected with you after the webinar concludes. By including a clear call to action at the end and offering a downloadable resource or exclusive discount code in exchange for their email address, you can convert these initial webinar attendees into qualified leads for your business.

VII. Create a newsletter

If you have multiple social media accounts, you can make an exciting newsletter and post it on your website and other accounts. This newsletter might have a sign-up page where you can put in your first email addresses.

Step 2: Know your goals and email types

Setting goals is the first step in all good marketing; email marketing is no different. Think about what you want to achieve before you start an email marketing campaign. Among the most common goals of an email marketing campaign are:

I. Welcome new subscribers

When someone signs up for your email list, you should thank them and make them feel welcome. A great way to do this is to send a welcome email. Studies have shown that welcome emails are likelier to be opened and clicked on than others.

In the welcome email, you can tell new subscribers about yourself and your business and tell them what to expect from your emails. You can also give them links to your website and social media platforms and ask them to join.

II. Boosting engagement

Increasing engagement is an important part of email marketing, and there are many ways to do it. For example, you can make your emails more personal by using the subscriber’s name or other relevant information, like their location or purchase record. This can make your emails more beneficial to the person who gets them and make them more likely to interact with your content.

Putting eye-catching pictures and videos in your email messages is another way to get people to pay attention. This helps break up long blocks of text and makes your emails look better and more enjoyable to read.

III. Promoting existing subscribers

Giving subscribers something they’ll value will keep them happy, like exclusive content like an e-book, webinar, or special discounts or deals on your goods or services. This will show them that you care about them and keep them interested.

Also, asking your subscribers for feedback through surveys or polls can make them feel valued and heard. Sending personalized messages to your subscribers according to their interests, preferences, or actions can keep them engaged and increase the likelihood that they will stay with you.

IV. Re-engaging subscribers

An essential part of email marketing is contacting subscribers who have not been active recently. Some subscribers will naturally lose interest in your business or need to remember it over time, so trying to get them interested again is important.

This can be done by sending personalized messages with special deals, discounts, or original content. You can also send them a survey to find out why they’re no longer interested and how you can enhance your email marketing approach. Re-engaging subscribers can help you get more people to click on your email campaigns, reduce the number of people who unsubscribe, and, in the end, get more conversions.

V. Segmenting your subscribers

Segmenting your subscribers involves grouping them into smaller categories based on age, gender, interests, behavior, and past purchase history. This method allows you to create more targeted and relevant email campaigns, increasing engagement and conversions.

Segmentation can also identify subscribers needing a re-engagement campaign to bring them back into the fold. By dividing your subscribers into groups, you can make your email marketing campaigns more effective, resulting in better engagement, conversions, and stronger relationships with your subscribers.

Setting clear and measurable goals for your email marketing campaigns, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, is essential. By monitoring these metrics, you can evaluate the success of your campaigns and make necessary adjustments to improve the results.

Step 3: Creating an email campaign

Once you know your goals, email type, and audience, you can start to plan your email marketing campaign. You will need an attractive design and layout to get people’s attention and get them to sign up. When making your email campaign, ensure the emails are helpful, engaging, relevant, and sent at the right time.

I. Choose your plugin tools

You can choose any of your favorite email campaign plugins, such as FluentCRM, to create your email using a different template. Once you have a plan for your emails, you can start writing.

II. Creative subject line

The subject line is a good place to start for any successful email marketing campaign, as it is a key part of getting people to open and click on your emails. Like the headline of your blog post, the subject line of your email must grab people’s attention and make them want to read more. Furthermore, you only have a few words to make an impression in the subject line, especially on mobile displays, so you must be creative to include the most essential elements at the beginning.

III. Write the copy

Make sure to start your copy with a hook point that will get people’s attention. Email marketing copy should be short for the best results, and you shouldn’t try to sell your product too soon. You want people to be comfortable before anything else. Research shows that personalized emails are more likely to be read.

IV. Strategy for the call to action button 

The call to action (CTA) is the last part of your email marketing copy. You want people to do your CTA after reading your email more than anything else. Most email marketing copy has more than one call to action. You don’t want to sell to readers too soon, but there will probably be a call to move near the beginning, middle, and end. The best calls to action are brief and easy to understand. If your copy is good, your audience will click your link for further engagement. 

V. Email marketing design

Your emails need to look good in email marketing campaigns. If your emails don’t look good, it can make people stop reading and negatively impact your brand. Many people read emails on their mobile devices, so it’s essential to use a responsive email template that adjusts the size of your email no matter what device people use to read it.

It’s best to have more text than images in your emails. It can make your email look nicer, but some people disable the image option, so your email needs to be good even if they can’t see the images.

Here’s a tip…

Don’t put important information in images because it makes your email hard for some people to read. Also, use “alt tags” to describe the images so people know what they’re supposed to see, even if they have turned off the image option. A good description might convince them to turn images back on, making your emails look even better.

Remember not to send too many emails to your subscribers, or they might mark them as spam. Keep your email subscriber list active by trying to get inactive subscribers interested again or removing them if that doesn’t work. It’s better to have fewer active subscribers who open and click your emails than many inactive ones. 

Step 4: Best time for sending emails

Determining the most effective time to send an email newsletter has been the subject of extensive research. However, this information can help you decide when to send your emails.

Studies indicate that sending newsletters late in the morning, around 10 or 11 a.m., is optimal. Many people check their emails in the evening, particularly before bed, so sending emails between 8 p.m. and midnight may be a good strategy.

Email campaigns sent at 2 p.m. could also be effective since people frequently check their email during breaks at work. If you want to reach a large audience, consider sending your emails at 6 a.m., as many people check their email right after waking up.

Remember, the ideal time to send an email newsletter varies depending on your business, your target audience, and the purpose of the email. Don’t worry if you still need to determine the perfect time to send your emails. These times are a starting point to help you improve your email marketing.

Step 5: Track your results

After you send your email campaign, checking how it did is important. WordPress has tools that can help you do that. You can track many things, but the most important are the open rate, click-through rate (CTR), and click-to-open rate (CTO).

Your email should have these results:

  • The open rate should be around 15-25%.
  • CTR should be higher than 2.5%.
  • CTO should be about 20-30%.

These are good numbers for people new to email marketing, but the results may differ for different businesses.

Bonus Tips for Beginners

Bonus Tips For Beginners

Although some SaaS products are also available for this email campaign, and most are free tools for email marketing with limited access, small businesses prefer to use WordPress plugins for their email services because of their ease of use and flexibility.

Here are some bonus tips to help you craft high-performing campaigns and achieve even better results for your business, regardless of your experience level.

I. Test, Test, Test: Ensure flawless delivery by testing emails before sending. Look for broken links, typos, and image display issues. Evaluate A/B testing different versions to see which performs best.

II. A/B Test Everything: Subject lines, sender names, and calls to action (CTAs) can all be A/B tested to discover what resonates most with your audience.

III. Optimize for Mobile: With a growing mobile audience, ensure your emails are visually appealing and user-friendly on smartphones and tablets.

IV. Timing is Key: Experiment with different sending times to discover when your audience is most active for maximum impact.

V. Power Up with Visuals: Include images and videos to enhance your emails, but optimize them for fast loading speeds.

VI. Automate Engagement: Utilize email automation for personalized follow-ups like welcome emails or cart abandonment reminders.

VII. Customer Feedback is Gold: Gather feedback through surveys, polls, or other tools to understand subscriber preferences and continuously improve your emails.

VIII. Maintain Brand Identity: Develop a consistent look and feel across all your emails, from header to footer, subject line to content. This builds brand recognition and fosters stronger engagement.

WordPress Plugins for Email Marketing Campaign

in the image there are six different companies logo with a off-white background. In the logo, there are fluentCRM, Hubspot, Mail Mint, MailPoet, Brevo and newsletter plugin.

Many email marketing plugins are out there, making it difficult to choose the right one. Users can also set up email marketing automation using these plugins’ pro versions for any business, including directory listing businesses. To help you, I’ve compiled a list of six plugins that you should check out.

1. FluentCRM

FluentCRM does more than send emails. It also has tools that make marketing more manageable and helps keep track of customers.

Features & integrations 

With FluentCRM, you can keep track of information about your customers, send them emails, and see how well your email campaigns are doing. It has many features that make email marketing easier. Some of the features include:

  • Capturing leads automatically
  • Dividing your contacts into groups
  • Managing mass emails
  • Creating email marketing automation funnels
  • Using advanced applications like dynamic segmentation, custom contact fields, email sequences, and automation funnels with conditional control

FluentCRM also works with popular WordPress plugins like WooCommerce, Memberpress, and LifterLMS. This makes it easy to collect information and keep track of your marketing efforts.


The basic version of FluentCRM is free and can be downloaded from WordPress. However, you’ll need to use an external email service to send your emails. FluentCRM Pro has more advanced features and integrations. The price for FluentCRM Pro depends on how many websites you want to use it on:

  • Single Site License: $129/yr
  • Five Site License: $249/yr
  • Fifty Site License: $499/yr

2. HubSpot

HubSpot is a company that offers tools for marketing, sales, and customer service. They have a plugin for WordPress that helps you collect leads and communicate with your audience.

Features & Integrations

HubSpot’s platform has a visual interface that allows you to create different types of emails, like newsletters and behavior-based emails. The WordPress plugin lets you make forms and pop-ups to get leads, set up live chat and chatbots, and monitor your business and audience activity. HubSpot integrates with many apps, plugins, and social media platforms, including popular ones like WooCommerce, Facebook, and Twilio.


The HubSpot WordPress plugin is still free to use, but the pricing for the paid plans has changed slightly:

  • Starter Plan: $15/month
  • Professional Plan: $800/month
  • Enterprise Plan: $3600/month

3. Mail Mint

Customers use Mail Mint to quickly integrate email marketing into their marketing campaigns, allowing them to sell more. Every aspect of Mail Mint is designed to let you focus on your marketing without interruptions.

Features & integrations

Mail Mint is a tool that makes it simple for people who design marketing funnels to implement email marketing automation. It includes an easy-to-use design that lets you stay focused when collecting leads, creating email campaigns, and automating tasks. It also integrates nicely with WPFunnels, which allows you to plan your funnel pages and automate flows in one location. You may store as many contacts as you need and launch as many campaigns as you like with Mail Mint. It also has real-time analytics and a lot of excellent email templates. 


  • Small Plan: $149.99/year
  • Medium Plan: $249.99/year
  • Large Plan: $399.99/year

4. MailPoet

MailPoet is a very popular email marketing tool for WordPress. With MailPoet, you can send emails like broadcasts or newsletters and set up automatic emails. You can also see how your emails are doing. It’s a good choice for blogs or online stores that need a newsletter and WooCommerce automation.

Features & integrations 

MailPoet has a unique feature: it offers a native email-sending service within WordPress. It lets you create forms to collect emails, build your email list, and segment it based on conditions. MailPoet’s email marketing features include automated newsletters, a drag-and-drop email builder, pre-made email templates, and email reporting. It integrates with WooCommerce to customize transactional emails and send emails based on product purchases or cart abandonment.


MailPoet is free on the WordPress repository and allows you to send emails to up to 1,000 contacts with their free email-sending service. However, if you prefer a different email-sending service, you can buy the standalone email marketing plugin from the developer. 

Prices for the standalone plugin: 

  • Starter Plan – Free 
  • Business Plan – $10/month
  • Agency Plan – $30/month

5. Brevo

Brevo, formerly known as SendinBlue, is a SaaS solution designed to empower businesses to build strong customer relationships. It offers a comprehensive suite of customer relationship management (CRM) tools, including a user-friendly WordPress plugin.

Features & integrations

One of Brevo’s most valuable features is its WordPress email marketing plugin. This plugin simplifies building your email list and launching email campaigns directly from your WordPress dashboard. The plugin streamlines subscriber acquisition by allowing you to create and embed subscription forms anywhere on your website.

Additionally, it provides easy access to campaign statistics within your WordPress interface. The true strength lies in its native integration with numerous WordPress plugins, creating a unified hub for managing your email marketing efforts.

Brevo’s marketing automation platform is robust and intuitive. You can segment your email lists, set up automated newsletters, and create complex email marketing workflows without any coding knowledge. Brevo also integrates with other apps and platforms, allowing you to manage all your customer data in one place.


Brevo’s free plan lets you manage up to 2,000 contacts and send 300 emails daily. It’s perfect for small businesses. But Brevo’s affordable paid plans, like the Lite package, can help if you have a more extensive email list. Starting at just $25/month, they provide all the essential features to grow your email list and automate emails.

6. Newsletters

The Newsletter plugin is much more than just a plugin for newsletters. It is a tool for managing email subscriptions, dividing your contacts into groups, and sending automated emails. 

Features & integrations 

You can collect email addresses through forms, pages, or customizable widgets with a Newsletter. This way, you can build your email list and segment your audience. You can create emails that look great on any device and send automated follow-up emails. The Newsletter plugin can send out automated newsletters on a set schedule. But, it can also be combined with other WordPress plugins like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or Facebook to collect leads and send automated emails to new subscribers. The Newsletter plugin also tracks your emails and provides options to restrict content for an increased subscription. 


The Newsletter plugin is free. However, you need to use a separate email-sending service. The Newsletter plugin also offers a premium version with more features and integrations.

  • Basic Plan – Free 
  • Blogger Plan (3 Sites) – $79/year
  • Agency Plan (Unlimited Sites) – $269/year

Final Thoughts

There you have it! With these essential ingredients, you can craft email campaigns that influence your audience and drive actual results. Don’t wait any longer – start whipping up your winning email recipe today! We can’t wait to see the magic you create.

Don’t be discouraged if results don’t come overnight. Keep experimenting, track your data, and refine your approach to find the perfect recipe for success with your audience.

Do you have any secret ingredients you use for your WordPress email campaigns? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below, and let’s build a community of email marketing!

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Written by

AKM Aminul Islam

AKM isn't your average suit. He's a growth architect, building businesses with the power of impactful marketing and tech content. But his adventures extend beyond the digital realm. When he's not unlocking the secrets of marketing, he's unlocking the world. A passport filled with stamps and a bookshelf overflowing with tales - that's AKM.

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