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Best WordPress Backup Plugins

Best WordPress Backup Plugins in 2024

We all know that backing up our data is important. But when it comes to our websites, it can be easy to forget. After all, we usually only think about our websites once something goes wrong.

But what if there was an easy way to back up your WordPress site? That’s where WordPress backup plugins come in. These plugins make creating backups of your WordPress site easy – so you can relax knowing that your data is safe.

In this article, we’ll share the best WordPress backup plugins. Besides, we’ll give some valuable tips on choosing the right plugin for your needs. So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty!

Why it’s Crucial to Backup Your WordPress Website?

A strong backup facility brings many benefits to your WordPress website. Let’s have a look at why it’s crucial for your website. 

1. Human error

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Human error.

A strong backup plugin can help ensure the safety of your website if many people have access to it. By making a backup, you can save yourself from potential embarrassment and damage to your site.

2. Security 

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Security.

Regular backups of your website’s data can ensure that even if a cyber attack occurs, your website’s data remains intact. By keeping your website backed up regularly, you can avoid any potential damage or loss of information.

3. Data loss 

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Data loss.

Make sure you have a backup plan for your data in case of disasters. If something were to happen to your computer or data storage, you would be able to operate as effectively as you need to with the correct information. Have the plan to continue with your day-to-day operations, even if there is a setback.

4. Unsuccessful updates

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Unsuccessful updates.

If you’re running a WordPress site, keep your updates up-to-date! Recent security updates have improved the overall stability of WordPress, but sometimes they can break sites. If this happens, contact support for help restoring your site.

5. Hosting issues

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Hosting issues.

Sometimes your WordPress hosting provider may be unable to provide the necessary resources for your website. This can leave your site vulnerable to potential damage. Thankfully, a backup plan can help minimize the negative consequences.

6. Market research

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Market research.

Testing your website’s content, payment options, and more can help you fine-tune your business model. A backup system allows you to easily test changes without worrying about losing any data.

7. Sentimental value

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Sentimental value.

If you only use your website for personal reasons like a hobby blog or wedding, it can be frustrating when something goes wrong, and all of your hard work is gone. Luckily, there are ways to protect your website and keep your content safe.

What Features to Look for While Choosing a WordPress Backup Plugin 

There are certain features that you should look for when selecting a backup plugin for your WordPress website.

1. Complete website backup

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Complete website backup.

Make sure you take a complete backup of your website data, including your files and database. Many WordPress plugins only back up your files, so include the data for your website in your backup scheme.

2. Incremental backups

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Incremental backups.

Backing up your site can be a time-consuming process. But with our plugin’s incremental technology can break down your website into small chunks and create a copy without putting any load on your server. This way, you can quickly back up your site without slowing down its performance.

3. Safe storage

Best WordPress Backup Plugins:  Safe storage.

To keep your website safe, you must back it up regularly. A good way to do this is to encrypt your data and store it in a secure location. Look for plugins that offer auto encryption and multiple storage locations to make sure your data is always safe.

4. Offsite storage

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Offsite storage.

Backups are a great way to protect your website and data, but many plugins and hosts only store the backup on the same server as your website. You lose your website and all your data if that server goes down. A better solution is to keep a backup stored offsite on a separate server or local storage.

5. Real-Time backups

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Real-Time backups.

Keeping your online store up and running is essential, especially if you rely on real-time transactions. A backup plugin will automatically back up only the changes to your data, ensuring you don’t lose any important information.

6. Responsive support

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Responsive support.

If you’re having trouble setting up or using your plugin’s backup features, don’t worry – plenty of support teams know exactly what they’re doing. Make sure to choose a team who will be able to help you get your plugin up and running smoothly.

Best WordPress Backup Plugins to Secure Your Website

In the following, we’ll demonstrate some of the most prominent WordPress backup plugins to help you pick the best one for your website. 

1. UpdraftPlus

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: UpdraftPlus.

UpdraftPlus gives you outstanding satisfaction on using a backup plugin, as it’s the most widespread and top-ranking WordPress plugin in terms of offering a backup facility. If you are afraid of using a backup plugin just because of the complexity, UpdraftPlus can give you relief. With UpdraftPlus, you can manage full backup support for your WordPress-based website by restoring it to your cloud storage, or if necessary, you can download it anytime to your PC.

This robust plugin lets you take backups like scheduled backups and on-demand backups. It’s up to you which backup you want to keep for your website. You can easily backup files and databases in the cloud storage and restore the backup with a few mouse clicks.

Moreover, UpdraftPlus has the power to instinctively upload backups in popular cloud storage like Google Drive, S3, FTP, SFTP, Dropbox and more. Using the plugin, you can effortlessly restore backup files from your WordPress admin panel.


  • Active installation: 30,00,000+
  • wordpress.org rating: 5

2. Total Upkeep

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Total Upkeep.

Total UpKeep is one of the best WordPress backup plugins when it’s very emergency to restore a website fast once your web server gets crashes, uneven updates, web hacking and different threats. It’s easy to ensure backup for your overall WordPress websites, like posts and pages, different settings and many more, with just a simple click of the mouse. You need to set a preferable time and date to ensure backup automatically.

Besides, You can also create a backup at the preferable time you want. The automatic fault protection facility allows you to set Total Upkeep to set backup before any update spontaneously. Moreover, if any update fails, the plugin reverses your website to the last backup position. The site migration is way simpler using Total Upkeep.

Install Total Upkeep on both WordPress sites. Next, create a backup archive for the first site. Lastly, restore the backup on the second website. Moreover, you can set automatic updates for WordPress core, themes, and plugins separately.  


  • Active installation: 90.000+
  • wordpress.org rating: 5

3. BackWPup 

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: BackWPup.

BackWPup is one of the most versatile backup plugins for WordPress that is highly user-friendly and lets you set a backup schedule based on your website’s update frequency. It lets you generate full backups for your WordPress site without any cost and save them on the different popular cloud storages like Amazon S3, Dropbox, Rackspace or email, FTP and on your computer.

If you’re afraid of the restoring process, no worries! You can restore your WordPress site with ease. Using a single backup .zip file, you’ll get the power to restore installation effortlessly. The pro version of BackWPup brings more surprising features to strengthen the backup process.

You have the freedom to export WordPress XML any time you want. To make the backup process smoother, you can check and manage the database according to your needs. 


  • Active installation: 7,00,000+
  • wordpress.org rating: 4.5


Best WordPress Backup Plugins: WP STAGING.

WP STAGING is a powerful and easy-to-use backup and staging plugin. It provides an exact copy of your website and the ability to easily back up and stage your plugins and themes. This tool allows you to easily create backups for migrating plugins or themes to the live site or backing up your WordPress installation.

This handy plugin can help you keep your website running smoothly, no matter how outdated or unstable the plugins are. WP STAGING can clone your site even if it’s hosted on a shared server, ensuring that everything will stay up and running.


  • Active installation: 70,000+
  • wordpress.org rating: 5

5. Backup Guard

Best WordPress Backup Plugins: Backup Guard.

With Backup Guard WordPress Plugin, you can easily back up your site multiple times. Here, you can back up files, the database, or both. If something goes wrong and you need to restore your site, Backup Guard makes it easy to perform this task. Select the backups you want to use, and Restore WordPress will take care of the rest. 

Backup Guard offers selective files or database restoration to easily download your backups on your computer for restoration if needed. Besides, this one of the best WordPress backup plugins is multisite WordPress Network supportive so that you can restore any site in the network with just a few clicks. If something goes wrong during the backup process, you can easily cancel it by exploring the backup or restoration log files.


  • Active installation: 60,000+
  • wordpress.org rating: 4.5

Winding Up

That’s all. If you ensure a reliable backup for your website, your website will avoid losing valuable data in no time. Thereon, you need to manage strong data security for your website, and a robust WordPress backup plugin can help you greatly to serve this purpose.

Hence, throughout this post, we’ve displayed the best WordPress backup plugins. If you’ve more plugins to suggest, share your valuable opinions in the comments section.

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Written by

Abdullah Al - Harun

Abdullah Al Harun is a technical content writer at wpWax and a digital marketing enthusiast. Apart from tech, he enjoys reading books on different aspects of communication, journalism, science, and arts. On his time off, you will find him playing cricket with his teammates.

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