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how to take WordPress backups

How to Take WordPress Backups Efficiently: A Comprehensive Guide

What if your WordPress website faces a catastrophe like security threats. hardware failure or you accidentally lock yourself out of the website. Will you sit motionlessly and repent for the loss you have faced?

The answer should be ‘No’ as WordPress backups are available to secure a website against any disastrous situation. However, ensuring backups for WordPress not only secure your website’s data but also helps visitors enjoy a seamless experience of exploring your website’s content.

Understanding the importance of security backups, WordPress offers different types of plugins that are reliable enough to secure a website. Therefore, this guide will demonstrate a detailed process for taking backups for WordPress using a powerful plugin. Let’s dive deep into the discussion!

How to Take WordPress Backups

Your WordPress website won’t be at risk anymore if you set proper backups for it. Likewise, this tutorial will guide you through a detailed process on WordPress backups using one of the most popular WordPress backup plugins All in One WP Migration.

Step 1: Install and activate the plugin

To install the plugin. Move onto your WordPress Admin Dashboard menu bar and click on Plugins ➤ Add New. By doing so, you will land on the WordPress Plugin repository. 

Next, write ‘All in One WP Migration’ in the Search Plugins box. The plugin will be displayed simultaneously. Now, click on Install Now to install the plugin on your website.

WordPress backups: plugin installation.

Up next, to make the plugin functional, click on Activate

WordPress backups: activate All in One WP Migration.

Step 2: Backup WordPress site with the plugin

You have successfully installed and activated ‘All in One WP Migration’ on your WordPress site. To back up your website with this plugin, you should follow some specific steps.

Navigate onto the Dashboard Admin Menu Bar and click on All in One WP Migration➤ Backups

WordPress backups: plugin backups menu.

Next, you will be redirected to the Backups page. Click on Create Backup.

WordPress backups: create backup.

Once you have successfully created the Backup File, it will appear on the Backups page.

WordPress backups: backup file.

Step 3: Download the backup file

After successfully creating the backup file, you can download and save it on your local computer for safety purposes in an easy way. To do this, go to the Admin Menu Bar and click on All in One WP Migration ➤ Export. This action will take you to the EXPORT SITE page. Next, click on EXPORT TO

WordPress backups: backup file export.

A drop down menu will appear instantly. From there, click on FILE. An automatic WordPress backup file will be created.

WordPress backups: export to file.

Now, click on the file named TESTING.LOCAL, and it will be downloaded on your local computer. Lastly, click on CLOSE to complete the download process.

WordPress backups: downloadable backup file.

Step 4: Restore the WordPress 

Before restoring the WordPress website, ensure you have saved a backup file of the website that you want to restore on your local computer.

Go to the Dashboard and click on All-in-One WP Migration ➤ Import. You will move to the IMPORT SITE page. Now click on IMPORT FROM. A drop-down menu will appear, and click on FILE in it. Remember to locate and open the file you want to restore; the file should end with the “.wpress” extension.

WordPress backups: backup file import

A popup will appear stating, “The import process will overwrite your website, including the database, media, plugins, and themes. Please ensure that you have a backup of your data before proceeding to the next step.” click PROCEED to continue.

WordPress backups: backup file import popup.

Your backup will start restoring your WordPress site. When finished, it will notify you with a message, “Your site has been imported successfully.” All-in-One WP Migration recommends saving the Permalinks structure. Click  Save permalinks settings.

WordPress backups: success popup for backup file import.

You will be redirected to the Permalink Settings page. Click on Save Changes on the footer of the page.

WordPress backups: permalink settings.

A message Permalink structure updated will appear. Click on Save Changes again. Your website will be successfully restored and functional.

WordPress backups: permalink structure updated.

Step 5: Delete a WordPress Backup

It’s a good practice to delete WordPress backups to save your website’s valuable spaces. This process helps significantly to keep your website in a healthy condition. To do this, head towards your Dashboard Admin Menu panel and click on All in One WP Migration ➤ Backups. You will see a list of Backups there.

WordPress backups: backup file to be deleted.

Now, it’s time to select which backup file you want to delete. For this, click on the three dots  at the right side of the Backup file you want to delete. Here, you have selected the first Backup file of the list and click on the three dots here. 

A drop-down menu will appear and just click on the X Delete. 

WordPress backups: backup file delete option.

Next, a popup menu will appear and ask you “Are you sure you want to delete this file?” Click on OK to delete the file from the web server.

WordPress backups: confirmation for backup file deletion.

Closing Out

As a savvy website owner, it’s always a wise decision to take precautionary steps whether your WordPress website faces a catastrophic situation or not. Arranging a solid backup for WordPress will give you relief to run your website without tension on what to do if any disaster occurs. Besides, managing a powerful backup for WordPress helps you run your website tension freely as all the data are safely secured.

In today’s article, we have guided you in the best way possible on effortlessly taking backups for your WordPress site with a zestful plugin, ‘All in One WP Migration.’ In that case, we think you will be able to learn quickly about the backup process.

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Written by

Abdullah Al - Harun

Abdullah Al Harun is a technical content writer at wpWax and a digital marketing enthusiast. Apart from tech, he enjoys reading books on different aspects of communication, journalism, science, and arts. On his time off, you will find him playing cricket with his teammates.

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