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how to create a privacy policy page for your website

How to Create a Privacy Policy Page in Minutes for Your Website

Creating a privacy policy for your site users and visitors became a major issue when big guns like Amazon.com faced the biggest ever penalty of 746 million euro (888 million USD) for violating the European Union General Data Protection Rules (GDPR). Undergoing this kind of huge penalty is like a nightmare for almost all the websites and we assume your site definitely doesn’t want to be any of them. That’s why, as a site owner, you must know how to create a privacy policy page to secure your site from unwanted situations.

Privacy policy works as a ‘Deed of Trust’ between your website and its users. It ensures the users how you use their private and sensitive information to serve your site’s purposes. Though, the privacy policy statement varies in terms of countries and regions. In this article, I am going to show you a complete guide on how to create a privacy policy page for your website. Scroll down and explore with us! 

Why Generate a Privacy Policy Page for Your Website

Having a well-defined privacy policy is essential to operate your website in a hassle-free way. It helps both websites and users to secure their legal rights. Besides, there are some significant reasons for which you should have proper knowledge on how to create a privacy policy page for your site. 

1. Works as a protection against a legal claim

Privacy policy works as a safeguard for your site against any legal claim. You never know when an unexpected situation will happen on your website. A third party or users may use your site’s sensitive information that breaches the law. Then, your site will face a heavy lawsuit. Imagine how terrible the situation will be! 

That’s why a transparent and well-written privacy policy can save your website against any possible lawsuit. Despite that, if your website faces any unwanted legal claim, then the privacy policy works as a safeguard for you.   

2. Builds trust among partners and stakeholders

Sometimes your site may collect personal and sensitive information from users and partners such as their name, age, residential address, email, and credit card details. They preserve the right to ask you how and what you do with their personal and sensitive information. Similarly, it’s your responsibility to ensure the complete safety and security of their information. 

A complete and well-written privacy policy demonstrates clearly what you do actually with the information you collect from your buyers, partners, and stakeholders. That’s how it builds trust among partners and stakeholders. 

3. It is ordered by law

In some countries, a privacy policy is considered a legal requirement. Countries like The United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Denmark have powerful laws that ensure complete safety of their citizens’ private and sensitive information. So, your website must have a privacy policy statement to operate in those countries because their laws demand it.

4. Makes GDPR friendly

Make your website’s privacy policy EU General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) friendly when running your site in countries under the European Union. It’s a must for your website if your users are in the EU Countries. If your site violates the EU privacy policy act then you have to pay a huge amount of penalties no matter from which region you operate your website. 

5. Saves your valuable earnings

If you ignore using a privacy policy statement for your site, it’s like you push your site to a dangerous threat. In some countries, collecting, storing, and using the users’ data without showing them a privacy policy statement is counted as a crime. 

Websites without a privacy policy statement may face a huge amount of penalties and fines for violating the laws. So, keep a well-defined privacy policy for your site and thus it saves your valuable earnings.

How to Create a Privacy Policy Page in Minutes for Your Website

Creating a privacy policy page is like a piece of cake if you use a dynamic plugin for it. Some popular plugins in the market can be your great companion in this regard. Among them, “Legal Pages” has established itself differently. Let’s explore how to create a privacy policy page for your site with this ‘free’ plugin following step-by-step instructions.

Step 1: Install and activate the ‘Legal Pages’ plugin

Now, you are ready to create your first eCommerce privacy policy template for your eCommerce website. To do that, go to your WordPress Dashboard Admin Menu and then click on Plugins➤ Add New.

Add new plugins option on how to create a privacy policy page for your site.

Right now, you have navigated to the ‘WordPress plugins’ bank. Write the plugin name ‘Legal Pages’ in the Search Box option. When you strike the ‘Enter’ button, the Legal Pages plugin will be visible in the search result. Then, click on Install Now to activate the plugin.

Installing the 'Legal Pages' plugin gives you an ideas on how to create a privacy policy page

After you installed the plugin successfully, click on Activate to initiate the plugin. 

Activate the plugin to get ideas on how to create a privacy policy page.

Step 2: Drive into the ‘Legal Pages’ plugin

Now, Click on Legal Pages on your WordPress admin menu. Next, go to the Settings option. It has two tabs named General Information and Miscellaneous Settings.

General settings option helps you take ideas on how to create privacy policy page.

Step 3: Include various information in ‘General Information’

The General Information tab consists of two sections; General Information and Social Information

In General Information, you should provide basic information about you and your websites in the specific areas. Please note that your provided information will be used while you choose any of the ready-made templates to create your favorite legal page.

In Social Information, Provide the URL addresses of different social media platforms you use for your eCommerce site. Lastly, after filling up all the required information, click on the Save button to record the data you provided. Moreover, you can also Reset Fields and Reset Saved Data from here.

General information offers numerous facilities that let you know how to create a privacy policy page.

The Miscellaneous tab consists of two options. With the first option, to exclude the legal pages in the search result, you can tick the box. You can also delete the plugin’s data on uninstall by ticking the box. When everything is done, remember to click on the Save button to save all the changes.

Miscellaneous settings offers two tabs that inform you on how to create a privacy policy page.

Step 4: Add new privacy policy page with a privacy policy template

Next, it’s time to work with the Add New Legal Page tab. To add a new privacy policy page, click on Add New Legal Page➤ Add New Legal Page. Then, you can choose a template named Privacy Policy from Choose a Template on the right side of this page. 

To add a Privacy Policy, click on the Privacy Policy template and then the Title and  Paragraph section of the new page will automatically be filled with the new Privacy Policy template’s text. Next, click on Save Page to save the changes you have made recently.

To understand how to create a privacy policy page, select a template from the lists.

If you search for the recently created privacy policy page, simply click on All Legal Pages tab under the ‘Legal Pages’ menu in your WordPress dashboard Admin Menu. Moreover, to include a new legal page, click on Add New Legal Page

Besides, to display the newly created Legal page, copy the shortcode associated with it and paste it to any page or post you want. With the Action, you can customize the privacy policy page like view, edit or move to trash.

Save all the created privacy policy pages that are helpful to know how to create a privacy policy page.

Finally, you have successfully created a  ‘Privacy Policy’ Page with the Privacy Policy template generator for your website. 

‘Legal Pages Pro’ Offers more for You

Now, you know how to create a privacy policy page easily with the ‘Legal Pages’ plugin. If you want more from it, why not try Legal Pages Pro? This plugin is adorned with more features and functionalities for you. Let’s take a look at some of its prominent features.

22 new dynamic templates: ‘Legal Pages Pro’ offers 22 more stunning and dynamic templates for you. So the possibilities of creating different types of legal pages increase in great numbers. That’s how it saves your valuable time and labor.

15 more template shortcodes: Make your site’s legal page templates more advanced and specific as this plugin provides you with 15 more shortcodes. These shortcodes may help you greatly to customize your personal and site-based information easily. 

Pop-ups customization facility: Customize your website pop-ups with numerous features of this plugin. Thus, it will give you a fantastic pop-up using experience.  

Cookie banner customization: You can customize the cookie banner and make it more stunning with options like display/hide EU cookie alert for users, display the cookie bar anywhere on your page, adjust the color for different settings, and more. 

Grab this plugin and explore the features in detail. 

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, this guide will show you the right way on how to create a privacy policy page for your website. The “Legal Pages” plugin that we have used in this guide gives you the best experience of arranging your users’ personal data in a very structured way and thus you can create a privacy policy page for your site in minutes.

I am very excited about listening to your experience of creating a privacy policy page for your site. Don’t hesitate to share your valuable thoughts in the comments section.   

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Written by

Abdullah Al - Harun

Abdullah Al Harun is a technical content writer at wpWax and a digital marketing enthusiast. Apart from tech, he enjoys reading books on different aspects of communication, journalism, science, and arts. On his time off, you will find him playing cricket with his teammates.

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