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How to Reward Your Directory Users with Directorist & GamiPress

The time has gone when people had good products & services and they would keep their customers engaged for a longer period of time. Nowadays, the competitive market demands something different to keep your customers sticking to your brands. And, that’s where the urgency of gamifying your directory website with digital rewards comes in hand. Now, you might be wondering how? 

Well, if your directory website is powered by Directorist, then congratulation, the ball is in your court. Because team directorist has rolled out Directorist-GamiPress integration of late and it allows you to power your directory website up with gamification. 

In this article, we will show you how to reward wordpress website Users with GamiPress & Directorist. Plus, you will get an idea of how your users redeem the awards to get their job done with Directorist. So, without further ado, let’s dive in. 

Before Moving On, Let Me Introduce You To Directorist & GamiPress ( In Case You Didn’t Know)


Directorist is a free yet powerful and fully optimized WordPress Business directory solution to create any modern directory website. A full-fledged platform with numerous custom fields allows you to design your directory website exactly the same way you want. The advanced functionalities like multidirectory, advanced search filter, advanced form builder, scale to millions of listings, and many more will bring your directory website to the whole next level. 


GamiPress is one of the most powerful gamification plugins in the WordPress ecosystem. This free plugin makes the way easier to gamify your WordPress website just in some minutes. And, it doesn’t require you to write even a single line of coding. Most importantly, it allows you to award your website users with points, ranks, and achievements as they interact with different elements of your WordPress website. 

System Requirements 

  • WordPress: at least version 5.1 or latest
  • PHP: at least version 7.0 or latest
  • Directorist: at least version 7.2.0 or latest
  • GamiPress: at least version 2.0 or latest

Make sure you have all the above things to start the gamification of your directory website. If you didn’t have, make sure you have arranged all of them. 

How to Reward Your Directory Users with Directorist & Gamipress?

Directorist-GamiPress integration is tremendously easy to use and it can easily gamify your directory website with digital rewards in no time. So, let’s start. 

Directorist Events for GamiPress:

How to reward- Directorist events for gamipress

Directorist comes up with 11 events to gamify your directory website. And, in these events, you can both award or deduct points from Directorist based on how your Directorist-powered website users interact with the components of your site. Those events include. 

  1. Publish a new listing
  2. Delete a listing
  3. Listing expires
  4. The user reports a listing
  5. Owner gets to report on a listing
  6. User reviews a listing
  7. The owner gets a review on a listing
  8. User favorites a listing
  9. Owners listing get favorites
  10. Listing becomes popular
  11. Purchase a plan

In the following lines, we will take Publish a new listing and The owner gets a review on a listing as examples to show you how the events work to award your directory users.

Create point type 

Assume you have already installed Directorist, GamiPress, and Directorist-GamiPress integration on your WordPress site. Now, create point types for Directorist events. To do this, navigate to the GamiPress→ Points Types→ Add New

how to reward-Create point type

Creating a point type starts with giving the point types a name that includes Singular name, Plural name, and Slug. Singular denotes singular points achieved and the plural for plural points achieved. And finally, Slug is used for internal references, like some shortcode attributes, that completely differentiate this points type from any other (leave blank to automatically generate one). 

how to reward-Create point type

Now, you will see the names as point types in the User Dashboard. To check that, Go to the User Dashboard→ Points

how to reward-Create point type

Automatic Points Award: When you successfully finish configuring the point type data, now you need to configure the Automatic point Awards which is responsible for adding the points automatically each time the Directorist event is triggered. To configure, click Add New points award for creating an automatic point award. There you will find 7 fields that you need to configure here to make that function. At first set the event of when you want the automatic points awards to be added. As previously mentions there are 11 Events available for directorist here. Choose one from there.

how to reward-Automatic points award

Now, set the times for that events. And, these times will be considered for the number of times the chosen Directorist event will be triggered. For example, if the time(s) value is set to 3 for Publish a new Listing event, then after submitting 3 listings the event will trigger.

how to reward-automatic points award

Now, it’s time to set the “limited to” field. In fact, you can set a time limitation to trigger the event. For example, if the value of “limited to” is set to “per hour”. Then after submitting “A” times per hour the event will trigger.

how to reward-set the "limited to" field

Then set the points to be earned in that event. The value that is set in the Earn field will be added as points after the event is triggered. For example, each time the “Publish a new Listing event” is triggered 5 points will be added.

how to reward-set the "limited to" field

Interestingly enough, you can set the maximum number to which the trigger will work. For example, if the value is set to 2, then this event will trigger 2 times. For the 3rd hit, it won’t work. Meaning, you cannot add any more points on your 3rd try. 

how to reward-set the "limited to" field

Up next, set the label of the Point Award. Use the “Label” field to optionally customize the titles of each one.

how to reward-label field

For instance, the chosen event from Directorist is the “Owner gets a review on a listing”. You find it better to set the event in a way where the owner will receive 5 points for 3 stars or greater. Then you have to set greater than, 3 ratings. The configuration will be the same as the following screenshot shows.

how to reward-set the label of the Point Award

With the above configuration, the owners will receive 5 points each time he/she gets ratings. You will see the owner receiving 5 points in the dashboard.

How to reward-set the label of the Point Award

In the same way, you can award your directory users in the rest of the Directorist events using Directorist-Gamification integration.

Bonus Tips

You have already learned how to reward your directory users with digital rewards. Now, you may ask how & where the users will redeem the points? Well, the following lines will cover your queries. Let’s shoot. 

Redeeming achieved points

Users can easily redeem their points using the Directorist Coupon extension and use that coupon in the Directorist checkout. To redeem the achieved points, users must go to their Directorist user Dashboard > Points > Redeem Points

Claiming Discount

When a user earns enough points to claim the discount he/she will find the “Claim Discount button”. When he/she clicks on the button, he/she will get the coupon to redeem his/her achieved points. And yes, as an admin of your directory website, you have the access to arrange the discount coupon settings.

(N: B. Your users can also use these achieved points on any GamiPress system like WooCommere Points Gateway, Points Card, etc.)

Setting the discount coupon

To set the discount coupon, navigate to the Settings > Extensions > Gamipress page and set up discount coupon settings. 

Last Cast

That’s it. We are optimistic that by using Directorist-GamiPress integration, you have already got a good-luck charm to keep your customers engaged and loyal to your directory site, giving them lots of fun and excitement with digital rewards. To learn more, you can head over to our documentation

Again, if you have further queries on how to reward directory users, then please don’t hesitate even a bit to contact us by leaving us a comment in the comment section. We will reach out to you shortly. 

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Written by

Md Hamim Khan

Md Hamim Khan is a man of letters who puts up his hands for technical content writing at wpWax. He loves to keep himself engaged in playing cricket & chit-chatting with friends, family, and colleagues in the time when he leaves out of work.

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