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advanced custom fields

How to Elevate Your Directorist Experience Using Numerous Advanced Custom Fields

What makes WordPress different from other Content Management Systems(CMSs) is its customization feature. Advanced custom fields are the fields used to store extra data about a post. These fields allow users to change the functionality and utility of a post or page. Additionally, they extend the meta-data and information you display on your page. It’s no secret that you can add bells and whistles to your directory site based on your preference even using Directorist. 

It goes without saying that people have different tastes so preference varies from person to person. No worries!!! With numerous advanced custom fields in Directorist, you can give a picture of your inner feeling in your directory site. 

In this article, we are going to cover everything you need to personalize your directory submission form exactly the way you want. Let’s fly with… 

How Directorist Advanced Custom Fields Can Benefit Your Directory Site Build

In simpler words, Directorist custom fields help customize the submission form of add listing page, single listing page, and even the search filter form with extreme ease. Let me assume that you have already installed Directorist on your site and now you have the following submission form on your add listing page for your users. 

 advanced custom fields Directorist add listing

Here you will find a number of default options like General Option, Contact Information, Map, Images, and Video. 

Suppose you want to customize the preset fields of the General Section with custom fields. And the current General Section includes the following fields:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Tagline
  • Pricing
  • Location
  • Tag
  • Category

Wondering how can You customize it? Let’s break the walls. 

How to Customize the Submission Form with Custom Fields

Here you can see how to customize the submission form based on your preference. No more crowings, let’s spill. 

Step-1. Navigate to the custom fields option

To begin with, go to the WP Admin Dashboard > Directory Listings > Directory Builder > Submission Form > Form Fields. There you will find both preset and custom fields. 

Navigate to the advanced custom fields option

Step-2. Customizing the fields

Here are the ways how you can customize the fields. Let’s check them one by one below.

Deleting a preset field

Now, let’s delete the tagline field for example. You can do it either by clicking on the delete sign located on the right side of the field.

Deleting the preset advanced custom fields

Or by dragging and dropping the field from the left to right section under the Preset Field option. After you delete an active field from the menu it will appear in the Preset Field section. 

Advanced custom fields appear in the preset field section

Adding a custom field

To add a custom field, hover your mouse over the Custom Fields area and click on any field or simply drag and drop them to the General section. Here, for instance, we are selecting the text field:

Adding advanced custom fields

You can also customize the parameters of the text field like changing the Label, Key, Placeholder, Description, Required, Only for Admin Use, etc. In this example, we are going to change the Label to “Test Field” from ‘Text’.

customizing the parameters of advanced custom fields

Now, save changes by hitting the “Update” button from below.

Saving the changes of advanced custom fields

The game is over!!!! You have covered customizing the submission form of Add listing. 

How You See Custom Fields on The Frontend

Now, reload the add listing page to see the changes we have made just now. After that, you will be able to see that the Tagline has gone and the new “Test Field” has been added there.

how you see advanced custom fields on the frontend

To Add an Entire Section

However, if you want to add an entire section, feel free to use the Advanced Custom Fields option. To do so, select the Add Section option from the Submission form.

use the advanced custom fields option

After selecting the “Add Section” option, you will see a pencil icon to change the Group Name:

add section for advanced custom fields

Now, click the pencil icon again to hide the Group Name option.

Next up, let’s take the URL field and File Upload field to the Extra Section area:

advanced custom fields

You can also change the attributes of these fields. For example:

  • Label
  • Key
  • Choose a File Type
  • File Size
  • Description
  • Required
  • Only for Admin Use
change the attributes of advanced custom fields

Don’t forget to hit the Update button to save the changes.

Now, let’s see from the frontend if this Extra Section does appear:

advanced custom fields

There you go! The Extra Section appears at the end of the Submission form.

Last Hurrah

A custom field is something that can easily steal the show and make your website page look varied from your competitors. In our tutorial, we have brought a few custom fields to the screen. To know the details, you can head over to the official documentation of the Directorist custom field

Or else, if you have already installed Directorist and started customizing the submission form of your Add listing page, then don’t hesitate even a bit to share your experience with us by giving a bell on the comment section. 

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Written by

Md Hamim Khan

Md Hamim Khan is a man of letters who puts up his hands for technical content writing at wpWax. He loves to keep himself engaged in playing cricket & chit-chatting with friends, family, and colleagues in the time when he leaves out of work.

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  • Andrew
    August 4, 2022 7:36 pm

    Hi, love this plugin.
    Is there the option to add further custom image fields, rather than just the preset image field?

  • Md Hamim Khan
    August 10, 2022 2:32 pm

    Hello Andrew,
    Thanks a bunch for your wonderful comment. You can check out our gallery extension: https://directorist.com/product/directorist-gallery/

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