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Elementor Security Vulnerabilities

Elementor Security Vulnerabilities: How to Identify and Address Risks

Elementor is a popular website builder plugin for WordPress, known for its ease of use and extensive features and customizability. However, like any powerful tool, it can introduce vulnerabilities if not managed properly. This article will equip you with the knowledge to identify and address security risks associated with Elementor.

Additionally, we’ll delve deeper into:

  • The different types of security vulnerabilities Elementor can be susceptible to.
  • Potential consequences of vulnerabilities
  • Some tools or plugins that can be used to scan for Elementor for WordPress security vulnerabilities
  • How to contact Elementor support for security issues

So, without further ado, let’s get cracking.

Types of Elementor Security Vulnerabilities

Elementor, the popular WordPress website builder plugin, can be susceptible to a couple of different types of security vulnerabilities. Here are the two main categories:

  • Remote Code Execution (RCE): This is a serious vulnerability that allows an attacker to upload malicious code to your website and then execute it on your server. This can give the attacker complete control over your website, allowing them to steal data, deface your website, or launch further attacks. A critical RCE vulnerability affecting Elementor was patched in February 2024 (CVE-2023-48777). It’s important to stay updated with the latest versions of Elementor to avoid such vulnerabilities.
  • Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): It allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts into your website. These scripts can then be executed whenever a user visits the affected page. XSS attacks can be used to steal user data, redirect users to malicious websites, or deface your website. There have been several XSS vulnerabilities reported in Elementor addons recently, including some in March 2024 (e.g., CVE-2024-2250, CVE-2024-2280). Make sure to keep your Elementor addons updated as well.

What Are The Potential Consequences of Vulnerabilities?

The potential consequences of vulnerabilities in software, systems, or networks can be severe and far-reaching. Here are some of the potential consequences:

i. Data breach

Vulnerabilities can be exploited by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, such as personal information, financial records, trade secrets, or intellectual property. This can lead to identity theft, financial losses, and damage to an organization’s reputation.

ii. System compromise

Vulnerabilities can allow attackers to take control of systems or networks, enabling them to disrupt operations, steal data, or use the compromised systems for further malicious activities, such as launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks or spreading malware.

iii. Financial loss

Data breaches and system compromises can result in significant financial losses for organizations due to operational disruptions, legal liabilities, regulatory fines, loss of customer trust, and the cost of investigating and remediating the incident.

iv. Intellectual property theft

Vulnerabilities can enable cybercriminals to steal valuable intellectual property, such as proprietary software, research data, or trade secrets, which can undermine an organization’s competitive advantage and cause significant financial harm.

v. Disruption of critical services

Vulnerabilities in systems that control critical infrastructure, such as power grids, water treatment facilities, or transportation networks, can be exploited to cause disruptions, potentially leading to public safety issues, environmental damage, or economic losses.

vi. Damage to reputation

When vulnerabilities are exploited, and data breaches or system compromises occur, it can severely damage an organization’s reputation, erode customer trust, and negatively impact its brand value.

vii. Regulatory compliance issues

Depending on the industry and the type of data involved, vulnerabilities that lead to data breaches or system compromises can result in violations of regulatory requirements, leading to fines, penalties, or other legal consequences.

How to Identify Elementor Security Vulnerabilities

To identify Elementor security vulnerabilities, you can follow these steps:

1. Monitor official Elementor resources

Keep an eye on the official Elementor website, blog, and social media channels for any security-related announcements. Elementor takes its responsibility to create secure plugins seriously and provides updates on any discovered vulnerabilities and their resolutions.

2. Check for security updates

Regularly update Elementor and other plugins to ensure you have the latest security patches. New versions often contain security updates, bug fixes, and new features.

3. Follow the changelog

Check the Elementor changelog for security-related fixes and updates. For example, the changelog for version 3.18.1 mentions “Fix: Improved code security enforcement in File Upload mechanism”.

4. Participate in the bug bounty program

Elementor encourages reporting security bugs and offers rewards for uncovering issues and potential risks. This program helps enhance Elementor’s security posture and empowers web creators with a secure web creation platform.

5. Stay informed about common vulnerabilities

Familiarize yourself with common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) related to Elementor. For example, CVE-2024-2117 affects up to and including 3.20.2 of the Elementor Website Builder, and CVE-2024-2120 affects up to and including 3.20.1 of the Elementor Website Builder Pro and possibly the free version.

6. Follow security best practices

Keep WordPress and your plugins up to date, change your password regularly, consider using security plugins, and only use plugins and themes from known sources. Avoid installing “nulled” plugins and themes, as they often contain malicious code.

7. Be vigilant

Monitor your website for any unusual activity or behavior, and take immediate action if you suspect a security breach.

Addressing Elementor Security Risks

Elementor is a popular WordPress page builder plugin that allows users to create visually appealing designs for their websites. However, like many WordPress plugins, Elementor has had its fair share of security vulnerabilities that need to be addressed to ensure the safety and integrity of websites using this plugin. Here are some tips for addressing Elementor security risks:

i. Keep Elementor and WordPress up-to-date

One of the most effective ways to mitigate security risks is to ensure that you’re running the latest versions of Elementor and WordPress. Developers frequently release updates that address known vulnerabilities, so it’s crucial to install these updates as soon as they become available.

ii. Use a strong and unique password

Brute force attacks are a common threat to WordPress sites, and using a weak or commonly used password can make your site vulnerable. Use a strong and unique password for your WordPress admin account, and consider using a password manager to generate and store secure passwords.

iii. Limit access and privileges

Only grant administrative access to trusted individuals who absolutely need it. Additionally, consider creating separate user accounts with limited privileges for tasks like content creation or site maintenance.

iv. Implement two-factor authentication (2FA)

Adding an extra layer of security with 2FA can help prevent unauthorized access to your site, even if your password is compromised.

v. Use a web application firewall (WAF)

A WAF can help protect your site from common attacks, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other vulnerabilities.

vi. Disable unnecessary Elementor features

Elementor offers a wide range of features, but if you’re not using certain features, consider disabling them to reduce the attack surface.

vii. Monitor and audit logs

Regularly monitor your site’s logs for any suspicious activity or potential security breaches. This can help you identify and mitigate threats before they escalate.

viii. Use secure hosting and SSL/TLS

Choose a reputable and secure hosting provider that offers regular security updates and SSL/TLS encryption to protect your site’s data in transit.

ix. Backup your site regularly

Maintain regular backups of your site’s files and database. In the event of a security breach or data loss, you can quickly restore your site from a recent backup.

x. Stay informed and educated

Stay updated on the latest Elementor and WordPress security news, vulnerabilities, and best practices. Follow trusted sources and security researchers to stay informed about potential threats and mitigation strategies.

What are Some Tools or Plugins that Can be Used to Scan for Elementor Security Vulnerabilities?

To scan for Elementor security vulnerabilities, you can use tools like WPScan, MalCare, and Sucuri SiteCheck. These tools regularly compare your website to a database of security vulnerabilities and alert you of any issues.

Surprisingly, they can help identify and patch vulnerabilities, prevent hacker attacks, and protect your website. Again, it is essential to keep your WordPress website, directory plugins, and themes updated to the latest versions to ensure security. Regularly scanning your website for vulnerabilities and malware is also crucial to maintain its safety and reputation.

How to Contact Elementor Support for Security Issues

If you have a paid Elementor Pro license:

  1. Go to your Elementor dashboard.
  2. Click on the menu on the left side and navigate to “FAQ & Support”.
  3. You’ll see a few options:
    • Tutorials: Check these out first, they might solve your issue.
    • Elementor Community: This is a forum where you can ask other Elementor users for help.
    • Support Center: This is the best option for security issues. Click here to submit a support ticket.

Alternatively, you can contact Elementor support from their website:

  1. Go to the Elementor Contact Us page [Elementor contact us].
  2. Scroll down to the “How Can We Help” section.
  3. Click on “Submit a ticket here“.

Important notes

  • When contacting support, be as specific as possible about the security issue you’re experiencing.
  • Do not disclose any specifics of the vulnerability in your communication, as this could be exploited by malicious actors.
  • Elementor may not be able to offer detailed information on the issue due to security reasons, but they will work to address it in a future update.


By carefully following the steps in this guide, you’ll make your Elementor website safer from online threats. But remember, keeping your site secure is something you have to keep doing, not just a one-time thing.

Through sustained vigilance and a proactive stance, you can effectively safeguard the integrity of your Elementor website, fostering an environment of security and reliability. Over time, your diligence will yield the utmost benefits, ensuring that your website operates at its optimal level of security.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What should I do if I suspect my Elementor plugin has a security vulnerability?

If you suspect that your Elementor plugin has a security vulnerability, report it to the Elementor development team immediately. You can do this through their official website or by contacting their support team. In the meantime, consider temporarily disabling the plugin or implementing temporary mitigations until a fix is available.

How can I mitigate the risk of security vulnerabilities in Elementor?

Mitigate the risk of security vulnerabilities in Elementor by following security best practices such as keeping your WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated, using reputable themes and plugins from trusted sources, implementing strong authentication measures, regularly scanning for malware, and securing your web hosting environment.

Does using Elementor increase the risk of security vulnerabilities compared to other page builders?

Like any software, Elementor may have vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by attackers. However, whether Elementor increases the risk of security vulnerabilities compared to other page builders depends on various factors such as the specific features, code quality, and the frequency of updates and security patches.

Can security plugins help protect my Elementor-powered website from vulnerabilities?

Yes, security plugins can help protect your Elementor-powered website by providing features such as firewall protection, malware scanning, brute force attack prevention, and vulnerability scanning. However, they should be used in conjunction with other security measures and best practices for comprehensive protection.

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Written by

Md Hamim Khan

Md Hamim Khan is a man of letters who puts up his hands for technical content writing at wpWax. He loves to keep himself engaged in playing cricket & chit-chatting with friends, family, and colleagues in the time when he leaves out of work.

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