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Directorist WPML Integration

Benefits of Making a Multilingual Directory Website Using Directorist WPML Integration

If you are using Directorist to back your directory website up, you have great news! Yes, as the caption suggests we have recently released one of the most wanted Directorist Multilingual extensions. As the owner of a directory website, you want to make your website more accessible to your users so that you can acquire more customers from different geographical locations.

For this purpose, nothing can beat the idea of translating your website into different languages. In addition, it creates a positive vibe for some of the different language-speaking users who will think that you care for them even if the fact they know English (Assuming your root domain is in English).

In today’s article, we will not only walk you through the benefits of making a multilingual directory website but also show you the way to configure it like a champ. Now, let’s move forward.

Key Benefits of Directorist WPML Integration

Directorist WPML Integration
  • Reach more international users by targeting them with their own languages.
  • Make your directory website more user-friendly for your international users
  • Make your translation process faster, and more efficient with the power of Directorist WPML integration.
  • No more extra cost as you don’t have to hire any developers for raw coding to translate your website.
  • Never feel stranded as WPML and Directorist both platforms have a huge pool of users from around the world.


To translate your directory website into any language you need to make sure you have the following in place:

How to Start Translating Your Directory Website to Any Language

Directorist and WPML are super-intuitve to use. You just need to be a little patient and follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Required Plugins

First things first, you must have a working WordPress website in place. Next up, you need to install Directorist to create your directory website. Like WordPress, Directorist is a free and open-source platform. You can install it like any other WordPress solution. To install it you can follow our official documentation from here.

After that, you will have to configure categories, tags, location, create listings, set up payment methods and many more. I will suggest you read the following blog post to know in detail but in a precise way:

How to Create a Directory Website in WordPress for Free

or You can also follow our official video tutorial that shows you the process to setup a directory website:

Now, like Directorist you will have to install WPML Plugin and WPML String Translation integration. For your information, WPML’s String Translation module is part of the Multilingual CMS account type. To enable it, you first need to download and install it from your WPML.org account, under the Downloads section.

Finally, you will need to get Directorist WPML integration to install it on your directory website.

Step 2: Start Translating Your Directory Type Name

If you have installed all of the above plugins, congrats. Your website is now ready to get translated. No matter how many directory types you create in Directorist, you can translate their type name very easily with Directorist WPML integration. To do so, navigate to the WP Admin Dashboard > Directory Listings > Directory Builder > Click on the Language icon > Click on the Plus icon.

Directory Type Translation

Then you should see this pencil icon or edit icon. Click on it.

Directory Type Translation - edit icon

Now, translate the directory name and other info. For example, you can edit all the fields’ labels, placeholders, etc. In fact, you can translate any fields of the “Add Listing Form“, “Single Page Layout“, “All Listings Layout“, and Search Form.

Directory Type Translation

Step 3: Start Translating the Listings

Go to the Directory Listings > All Listings > Click on the Plus icon.

Now, translated all the threads into the language you want:

Now, after translating all the threads, hit the ‘Complete’ button:

Bam! You have finally translated your first directory listing using WPML and Directorist.

View from the Frontend

Here is the translated view from the front end:

Directorist WPML Integration - View from the Frontend

However, the preview of the listings may vary depending on the theme you are using.

Bonus Tips (For Beginners)

Upon the first time installation, Directorist WPML integration sets up everything on its own. But if you are a beginner and somehow screw up the settings, here’s a treat for you! So, let’s check whether you have kept the basic settings the way it was supposed to be.

Configuring “Translation Editor section”

First, nagivate to the WP Admin Dashboard > WPML > Settings > Translation Editor > Make sure you have selected the “Advanced Translation Editor (recommended) and Classic Translation Editor (recommended) > Hit Save.

Configuring "Translation Editor section"

Configuring “Post Types Translation”

After that, you have to select the Directory listings (at_biz_dir) post type > Hit save.

Configuring "Post Types Translation"

Configuring “Taxonomies Translation”

Select any taxonomy with the id (at_biz_dir) such as: Location, Category, tags to make them translatable > Hit save.

Configuring "Taxonomies Translation"

Configuring the Custom Fields

If you created custom fields using Directorist, you can make those fields translatable too.

Configuring the Custom Fields

Adding a Language Switcher Button

Finally, you need to add the language switcher button in the menu so that your users can easily switch between the languages you set.

To do so, navigate to the WPML > Languages > Menu Language Switcher > Add a new language switcher to a menu.

Language Switcher

Upon clicking the button will bring the following popup:

WPML translation

Select the menu of your website and check the Flag and hit the “Save” button.

Wrapping up

Hopefully, this article will help you translate you directory website even if you are a first time user of WPML and Directorist. If you get stuck with any of the steps, don’t hesitate to drop us a line in the comment section below.

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Written by

Al Suzaud Dowla

Al Suzud Dowla plays the role of a content strategist at wpWax. He is basically a digital marketing expert and a tech enthusiast (by heart) who excels particularly in technical content writing. In his pastimes, he is seen playing Ping Pong, performing Karaoke, reading books, and playing around with JavaScript as well.

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